#!/bin/bash # Wrapper script for chexquest, part of the SlackBuilds.org project. # Decides which game to run, finds a usable Doom engine, and uses it # to run the game. # Author: B. Watson (urchlay@slackware.uk). License: WTFPL. # The IWAD for Chex Quest 1... its header calls it a PWAD but it's # really an IWAD. *shrug* IWAD=/usr/share/games/doom/chex.wad # The PWAD for Chex Quest 2 (which requires chex.wad): PWAD=/usr/share/games/doom/chex2.wad # If we're called as chexquest2, add the PWAD. case "$0" in *2) PWADARG="-file $PWAD" ;; esac # The list is restricted to engines that (a) are on SBo, and (b) can # actually play Chex Quest 1 and 2. # These were tested, and don't work: chocolate-doom doomsday prboom # Chocolate Doom supposedly supports it, if the Dehacked patch is # present, but it segfaults when I try to start the game. If you # want to play with this, the dehacked patch lives here: # http://mirrors.syringanetworks.net/idgames/themes/chex/chexdeh.zip # These were tested, and do work... though skulltag has issues, and # only gzdoom, zdoom, and crispy-doom show the correct "are you sure # you want to quit?" messages. ENGINES="gzdoom zdoom crispy-doom odamex prboom-plus doomretro skulltag" # And we're off to the races... for eng in $ENGINES; do if /bin/which $eng &>/dev/null; then exec $eng -iwad $IWAD $PWADARG "$@" fi done echo "Can't find any of $ENGINES, can't run game." 1>&2 exit 1